Action for Children and Nutrition

Action for Children and Nutrition

Starting from the anxiety of members of the children's forum in several villages assisted by Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) in Sambas Regency who saw the habit of elementary school children consuming unhealthy snacks and a large amount of waste generated, members of the Humaniora Children's Forum moved in an action to share lunchboxes to coincide with the day. Bring National Supplies on April 12, 2021.

This activity not only carried out the activity of distributing lunch boxes but also provided information related to children's nutrition to parents, which was conveyed by the puskesmas. It is hoped that parents will also be educated in providing nutritious food to children.

Ratna (45), a mother who took part in this activity, admitted that she benefited from the explanation given.

"My son is still in grade 5 elementary school and is often hungry. With children provided with lunch boxes at school, the food is safe because it is cooked and pocket money is more economical. I provide rice, eggs, and sometimes a banana. I wish this the best for (my) children," said Ratna.

Sofia (16), a child who is also an administrator of the Humaniora Children's Forum, said this initiative was implemented to support children to live healthier lives and get proper nutrition.

"At first, we discussed with friends the board, then agreed on who would be invited - the sub-district head, the principal, and the children. We met with the Camat to convey our ideas and he agreed, then we made a letter and invited him according to the agreement. WVI helps us provide lunch boxes,” Sofia explained.

The Children's Humanities Forum is a sub-district children's forum which is a combination of children's forums in 5 villages and was only formed 4-5 months ago. Currently, the board of the Children's Humanities Forum consists of 16 members.

"We gave the name Humanities to (the) children's forum because we want to be human beings who are more noble-hearted," said Sofia.


Written by: Yoel Setiawan, Child Protection Specialist Zone Jatra-Kalbar Wahana Visi Indonesia

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